Actually the one fact that keeps me believing 1% in Jesus, is the that he wrote nothing down.
The Rebel.
for me, the dead giveaway is this.
jesus wrote nothing.. stop and think about that.. if jesus were the authentic messiah, his ministry would not simply be local.. his instructions, his mission, the details of his teachings would be too precious to risk leaving it in the hands of "men unlettered (illiterate) and ordinary (blue-collar yokels).".
jesus, were he the one and only hope of mankind, would be absolutely certain to write down with great simplicity and specificity the exact owner's manual necessary to rescue mankind.. never happened!.
Actually the one fact that keeps me believing 1% in Jesus, is the that he wrote nothing down.
The Rebel.
an interesting thought, let's take geoffrey jackson.. born: unfortunately.
age: who cares, his going to live for ever.. sex: i believe he has a young wife?
special-qualities:- very good at making speeches ( usually talking bullshit) always wears a tie, has own tailor made suit, and expensive apple watch.
This is a message to "punk" who once asked for a subject to write for his new book.
Punk, whilst I don't have your talent to write a book, I hope this thread inspires you, because with your dry wit and humourrous why of posting, i am sure you could write a unique humourous book to expose the Geoffrey Jacksons of this world.
The Rebel.
an interesting thought, let's take geoffrey jackson.. born: unfortunately.
age: who cares, his going to live for ever.. sex: i believe he has a young wife?
special-qualities:- very good at making speeches ( usually talking bullshit) always wears a tie, has own tailor made suit, and expensive apple watch.
Island Man you may not like Geoffey Jacksons eyes, but you should hear what he has to say about you:-
" You are mentally diseased, and morally deficient"
The good news is that whilst Geoffrey Jackson may look like an Old Bald Rottiler dog, when you leave his barg is worse than his bite....
The Rebel.
an interesting thought, let's take geoffrey jackson.. born: unfortunately.
age: who cares, his going to live for ever.. sex: i believe he has a young wife?
special-qualities:- very good at making speeches ( usually talking bullshit) always wears a tie, has own tailor made suit, and expensive apple watch.
Fulano you may be right about Geoffey Jackson not wearing designer suits, so let me answer as Geoffrey Jackson would:-
A) This is not my field of expertise.
B) I don't know to be honest I'm only part of the G.B.
Or let me me give a more direct and honest answer, Geofrey Jackson wears very expensive suits, that the average modestly dressed Jehovers Witness can not afford. Now let's talk about his watch.....
The Rebel.
an interesting thought, let's take geoffrey jackson.. born: unfortunately.
age: who cares, his going to live for ever.. sex: i believe he has a young wife?
special-qualities:- very good at making speeches ( usually talking bullshit) always wears a tie, has own tailor made suit, and expensive apple watch.
An interesting thought, let's take Geoffrey Jackson.
Born: Unfortunately
Age: Who cares, his going to live for ever.
Sex: I believe he has a young wife?
special-qualities:- Very good at making speeches ( usually talking bullshit) Always wears a tie, has own tailor made suit, and expensive Apple watch. Is thought of as extremely clever. ( To be perfectly honest his an idiot, who never uses one word when 100 will do, unless his in front of the Royal commission when he answers to challenging questions " I don't remember" or " I will have to check that information for you")
Other important information. In my opinion looks like an old Bald Rotwiler dog.
Iam sure Geoffey Jackson has many more qualities why he is worshipped worldwide by Jehovers Witnesses, but for the life of me I can't think of any.
The Rebel.
i have seen a lot of new posters intro stories on here, also updates from those who have been around for a while.
i just want to take 1 post to beg those reading to speak up.
it was a big turning point for me and one of the best decisions i made.
Freemindfade your O.P " Urging more Lurkers to "sign up" reminds me of English properganda to get folk to enlist during the war so:-
A) " Don't just sit and read sign up today"
B) " Enlist and take up the sword of justice"
C) " Women lurkers of the Watchtoer sign up to Jehovers-withesses discussion forum"
D " Come in to the ranks, and share the story of YOUR fight for truth and justice against the watchtower"
E) " Jehovers-witnesses discussion forum needs YOU!!
The Rebel.
1) i am glad i had the courage to live my life true to myself and not the life others expected of me.. 2) i am glad i had the courage to express my feelings.. 3) i am glad i let myself be myself.. 4 ) and i hope i have so many days, and years to live those thoughts, because surely the most wonderful thing about having left our " watchtower death bed" is to start living?.
in my case at 50 !!.
but the important thing is when we leave, to start living.. any experiences worth sharing?.
This is where I am today in my thinking:-
There is one life, and THIS is it. My life is the property of ME and not something to be taken away by an organization. Actually I have more to my life , and I could rumble on, but much of my life is confidential and secret, and iam sure it would bore you by reading it anyway. More to the point it is boring, Nevertheless it's my life, and it belongs to ME not the watchtower....but I am sure some of you here have gone on and made wonderful accomplishments since leaving? Fancy sharing...
The Rebel.
p.s if simply living life and being happy is an accomplishment, then that is my major accomplishment since leaving.
heres one on my arm.....i pull up my sleeve.....a chick will read it.....i pull down my sleeve.......and the chick is like why did you cover it up??????
duh thats all ya get......just 1 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
I wonder if there are any convertees with love, hate on the knuckle, and cut here across the neck? If the convertee can answer Yes to either of those questions, I wonder if he/ she can go on the ministry? One thing is for sure it would be great if they became an elder.
The Rebel.
p.s I like the tattoo brandnew.
"millions now living will never die.
" -1922. sorry rutherford but they did!.
"god's kingdom of 1000 years has aproached!
Witness 007 (Q) Add your stupid title of Witness books that did not come true.
The Rebel (A) I feel I must regrettably add to the list the entire collection of Watchtowers and Awake magazines which are full of information both medically, scientifically and religiously that did not come true,
The Rebel.
none of you are old enough to have been there, i suspect.
i had been in prison two years as a jw conscientious objector when the exciting news about 1975 spread like wildfire.i was paroled from prison in 1969 and immediately began pioneering.
the pressures began mounting throughout the organization.
Finkelstein to answer your question from my personal experience.
The Rebel :- When I get in to a conversation with a witness about the W.T propagating false prophecies, they somehow manage to turn a blind eye to this perceived " little innocent" mistake of having been repeatedly mislead and lied to by there God, the G.B.
In fact the G.B have covered themselves by starting personal campaigns against, people like us, i.e. they label us " mentally diseased" and say we are siding with Satan, Thery also have there "Police and Legal representives" known as Elders to make sure everyone in the congregation thinks we have half a brick missing with our insane rumblings, of Gods organization having made false prophecies.
The Rebel.